Mercury is RETROGRADE.

Some people ignore the astrological phenomenon when the messenger planet of communication, travel, and electricity seems to move backward. Some laugh it off, some dread it as a time of disruption. Me? I welcome it. When Mercury goes retro, I embrace activities with the prefix “re-“ like rethink, revise, remember, and— REFLECT It’s the one-year … Read more

Don’t do this in Japan!

“The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.”  — a Japanese proverb Japanese society is full of rules. Rules explicitly stated, and rules that are just in the air. When I moved to Japan, I unknowingly broke every rule. At first, people cut me some slack — I was a foreigner, fresh off the plane. … Read more

Happy New Year of the Pig!

I hope you’re having a wonderful 2019. I welcomed the new year with a traditional soul food meal of black-eyed peas, greens, and chitlins. (I usually don’t eat pork— much—but it’s the year of the pig…) My husband, from Kyoto, ordered Japanese osechi—a Godzilla-sized New Year’s bento box with black beans, dried fish, seaweed. It’s … Read more

Fly to Japan on — Amtrak?

I need to book tickets to travel to Tokyo from Philadelphia, and because I’m cheap a savvy traveler, I’m trying to get the best deal. Nonstop flights out of Newark can be cheap. But getting to Newark airport from Philly is a Preparation H-worthy pain in the ass. A 90-minute drive in light traffic, assuming … Read more