Mercury is RETROGRADE.

Some people ignore the astrological phenomenon when the messenger planet of communication, travel, and electricity seems to move backward. Some laugh it off, some dread it as a time of disruption. Me? I welcome it.

When Mercury goes retro, I embrace activities with the prefix “re-“ like rethink, revise, remember, and—


It’s the one-year anniversary of the release of my book TOKYO FIREWALL. In the run-up to publication, my hugely talented (read “patient”) designer pitched all kinds of cover concepts for me to consider.

Do you think I chose the best one? Which would you have picked?

GIVEAWAY! Vote for your favorite cover concept. A randomly-selected Mercury-retrograde entrant will win a gift basket of Japanese goodies!

Enter the giveaway by clicking here!

The Giveaway is open until November 30.


On the verge of the holiday season frenzy, please join me in a deep breath while we appreciate this period of pause.


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